fredag 11. desember 2009


Finally he arrived, Bararck Obama. Our coutry stood still, nothing else was happening in Norway yesterday. The Nobel Piece Price Awards-winner seemed to have a pleasant, but hectic stay here. Arriving right before 9 am yesterday, leaving round 11 am today.

He met the prime minister, some politicians, the royal family, held the Piece price lecture, waved to the public (10.000 people!) behind shot proof glass and eventually, participating in the Nobel galla dinner.

80 million NOK was the price to pay for Norway, to maintain his security during his and Michelle's stay in Oslo. Was it worth it?

Imo, an unconditional yes, both to the sum and the fact that he deserved the piece price. If his plans would make the world just a tad safer than that of today, this price is certainly a call for action. And who doubts that this man wouldn't do his best to achieve his goals? Not me.

tirsdag 1. desember 2009


Welcome to Bård's black'n'blue cafe!

I will share my perspective on life, happenings and stories from around the world. Music will also play an important part of this blog.

Stay tuned!
